As Kiwis, we love the benefits gas brings. Summer barbies, instant heat, endless hot water, and cooking with a flame. But Kiwis also love our clean, green environment – and want to see New Zealand reach its goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Thanks to our research and monitoring of international efforts, we’re planning our route towards distributing more energy efficient renewable gas in the future.
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Get gas for your home
If you're a homeowner in search of the ideal gas option or guideline for your household, explore our guide designed to help you make the best choice for your family.
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Get gas for your business
If you're a business owner looking to power your enterprise with the right gas choice, discover our dedicated guide tailored to your business's energy demands.

News and Blog Hub
As an energy for homes and businesses, gas has many advantages and benefits. From cooking, to keeping us warm and heating our water. Our news and blog hub will keep you up to date on the benefits of gas today and as we look to the future of renewable gas.

Living and working near our pipelines
The safety of people is our number one priority at Firstgas. Whenever you are planning work near our high pressure transmission or distribution gas pipelines, it's important to follow the correct safety and notification process to protect yourself and the people around you.

The future is flowing with a pioneering hydrogen blending pilot
Firstgas is getting closer to commencing New Zealand’s first Hydrogen blending pilot, with support from its partners Vector, Powerco, Nova Energy and GasNet. Firstgas will be blending and testing a mix of hydrogen and natural gas in a handful of Kiwi homes. This milestone project is a New Zealand-first and marks a turning point in clean energy innovation, helping our country take another step towards decarbonisation and a net zero carbon energy future.